Light In the Cave Read online


  My Stars and Other Highlights part 7

  Copyright 2014 A. D. Nance

  All rights reserved

  except for small portions which may be used in reviews or promos


  10: Light In the Cave

  Next: Metanova


  GT A82.3-52-7204-0.6

  Eldon, being so impressed and moved in a way he never had before by being reunited with Salena, knew in his mind that these events were not due to random chance. He was assimilating the evidence that the Source of life was not only a creator – an all powerful supreme being, but that this one had a purpose to bring order and harmony. Eldon believed this Creator was active in the universe, in worlds, in civilizations, and even in the lives of individuals, to accomplish his purpose or grand design. This realization was not shared by the majority of intelligent life forms in this galaxy as far as Eldon knew. The Singsords were like a tiny school of phosforfish shining their little lights in a vast dark sea. The task of bringing light to all life was too daunting to even comprehend or think much about. And yet they knew their work was by design and was for the benefit of all intelligent life. That being the case, they forged ahead, becoming more solidified in the knowledge that the Creator was using them and considered each one important to him.

  Eldon saw the need to chronicle his life, at least some of his outstanding experiences, as he is doing now. In doing this he uses simple terms for the most part because he wants it to be read by many different life forms. Also he feels very humble, like a child, in view of evidence of the Source and his grand purpose. The more he sees in traveling the galaxy, the more he feels like a child with so much to learn. Therefore plain simple terms seems more appropriate since the words in languages he knows could never fully describe the things he has seen anyway. Eldon’s writings will at least in part, be added to the Singsord Chronicles. The Singsords, and really all seekers of the Source are always on the alert for a specific revelation from the Creator revealing or explaining himself in some way. It could be a sign or a vision, a voice, or a written word. But it has to be authentic, provable and of course supranatural – of a higher level. It stands to reason for most Ibees or intelligent beings, that the Creator would have a name, since all Ibees and even animals have names. Of course the name would have to be unique, unlike any other terrestrial, finite being. In Eldon’s mother tongue, some call the Creator Aayah or The Aayah. But there has never been any agreement or consensus on the name. Of the hundreds of titles, the most used is Creator. Every Singsord considers this search for the Creator the highest priority in life and the reason why we are here. All records indicate that the seekers of the Source have found this endeavor to be a one-sided search. They have been searching the Creator, but he has not sought for any of them or made direct communication with anyone. Only some ancient legends mention something called 'divine intervention’. And there have been a few rare claims of a message from the Creator, but these have not had any tangible proof. And yet the conviction, expectation, or faith if you will, of the seekers continues to grow, pushing them on ahead. A major impetus for the growth is the mount-ing body of evidence of the Creator and his purpose for an orderly universe. Something is always learned, discovered or revealed in each Singsord mission that shows there is a grand scheme or design at work. All that is involved in this can never be understood fully by a mere person or Ibee. But we can begin to see a pattern or design as we put each piece of the mosaic together. Then someday if we can look at the mosaic from a distance, we can see a picture, or a better idea of the whole.

  Eldon’s next mission, which is the first for Salena, and the first one for them as a team, proved to be one of important discoveries for both of them. They were sent to Ophar-Holiqui. Known only to the inhabitants of it by this name, they were the last of their kind. In fact their existence was unknown except to the SS Dome and the agents assigned to it, Eldon, Salena, and 3 others. This place was not a planet, but a ‘bloomball’, a type of flowering plant. It was found in a pot in the window of the 86th floor residence of Alnamat Sheik. Mr. Sheik lived on the planet Metrozoid 4 in the globular star cluster Quendiem. This planet was half the size of Earth but holding about 3 times the population. The entire surface of Metrozoid was covered in structures made by the swarming 26 billion Ibees who inhabit it. So the SS agents were sent to a tiny world within a world. Where did the intelligent creatures on Ophar-Holiqui come from? How did they get in Mr. Sheik's window? How could Eldon and Salena help them? The answers to the first two questions were told to the agents before they arrived. This is the story told to them of the origin of the Ibees on the bloomball.

  In the distant past before this planet was called Metrozoid, it was a beautiful place with colorful trees and plants of all types. Many fields of bloomball plants could be found there. Then the Lilistan arrived in several large transport ships. They were running from the Arazoids, a race of exploiters that wanted to enslave them. The Lilistan, being totally non-violent, did not have weapons to defend themselves. On the planet they found only plant life. The place looked like a nice place to rest. But they could not let their guard down because they knew the Arazoids would be there soon. A decision had to be made on one of 3 choices. 1: They could leave and continue running. This one was eliminated without delay. 2: They could stand their ground and fight. This one was against their beliefs and their nature. 3: They could somehow hide themselves. Immediately they set to work on that one. Talking to the Arazoids and suing for peace had already been tried without any success.

  After a few days the Lilistan were ready to try using their molecular scanners to transcan a reduced replica into something. This process was still experimental, but had some success in tests. A volunteer was transcanned by a beam into one of the bloomballs. It was successful because they received radio transmissions from him. He was able to tell them about where he was and that it could apparently support life. The bloomball plants were chosen because there were many of them, they were sturdy, readily available and other reasons. The Arazoids could now be seen by long range scans. They would be there in less than two hours. So all of the Lilistan were transcanned or beamed into the bloomballs before their enemies descended upon them. When they arrived they just found a few of the Lilistan ships in orbit, a few on the surface, but no Lilistan. Their plan worked by concealing themselves in the plants. Except that about one third of their number did not survive the transcan/beam process. The rest were scattered over several bloomball fields inside their new homes. The Lilistan soon learned that when they were on the surface of the bloomballs, it created and energy field surrounding it. Also another effect they had suspected proved true. They were in a different dimension of time. From their observations, time had speeded up for them by a factor of 10. So if 60 minutes pass in their new ‘world’, only 6 minutes will have passed on the planet. With only 20 to 50 of them on each bloomball, their life was drastically changed. Communications were possible for a while – they estimated 3 months – with others on other bloomball worlds with their small radios. Life became very primitive, but they were still alive as a people. Eventually the Arazoids came and took over the planet. The surface was gradually encrusted in their artificial structures and known as Metrozoid. The only remaining spot where the bloomballs were growing was on an island park in the area where Alnamat Sheik lived. Mr. Sheik, being the owner of the island park, approved a building project for the island. His wife Amorinda was not happy with his decision. She believed it should be preserved. The project went forward, destroying one of the last natural wildlife havens on the planet. As the land was being cleared, a Carow bird plucked
a bloomball in desperation and took flight across the canal. Amorinda Sheik was watching it with a tear in her eye. As it flew overhead, it released the bloomball and it fell into Amorinda’s hair. She took it with great care and planted it in the pot in her window. It was special to her. No one could imagine how special it really was. For it contained the last surviving members of the Lilistan people.

  Ophar-Holiqui was unlike any world that Eldon had ever seen. Through the power of the SEF of the SS Dome, he and Salena were sent there in the right size and in the dimension needed. They each were smaller than 1/10th of a millimeter in the Metrozoid scale. They knew they were on a bloomball plant, though it did resemble a planet. Cold and dark, full of jagged peaks and deep ravines, it appeared inhospitable. The sky was a grayish glow with no definite light source. This desolate condition was much worse than they expected. After a few hours of their time surveying the surface, no Lilistan were seen.

  Eldon and Salena were aware that another team of